IPR-huippuseminaari 2019

6.2.2019 – Pörssitalo

IPR-alan odotettu IPR-huippuseminaari järjestetään 6. helmikuuta 2019 Helsingin Pörssitalolla. Tule kuulemaan valovoimaisia ja energisoivia huippupuheenvuoroja keskellä Suomen pimeintä vuodenaikaa!

Herkullisen aamiaisen jälkeen lavalle astuvat Helsingin yliopiston professorit Kirsti Lonka ja Timo Honkela yhteispuheenvuorollaan ”Tekoäly osaamisen, innovaatioiden ja rakentavan vuorovaikutuksen tukena.” Juha Kokkonen Canatu Oy:stä tulee kertomaan, kuinka IPR-asiat ovat korostuneet heidän yrityksensä ja tuotteidensa kehityskaaressa.

Tänä vuonna kansainvälisen puheenvuoron pitävät palkitun asianajotoimiston Potter Clarksonin osakkaat Saiful Khan ja Nick McDonald aiheenaan “Certainty in an Uncertain World”. Puheenvuorossaan he paneutuvat mm. Brexitin tuomiin vaikutuksiin IPR-asioissa sekä viimeisimpiin patenttioikeudenkäynteihin Isossa-Britanniassa.

Lopuksi case-esimerkin meille tulee jakamaan Balmuirin toimitusjohtaja Heidi Jaara. Hän kertoo meille kansainvälisen lifestylebrändin kasvutarinan ja valottaa, kuinka IPR-asiat ovat vaikuttaneet kasvuun matkan varrella.

Tilaisuuden moderoi FIBANin toimitusjohtaja Reidar Wasenius.

Tervetuloa osallistumaan, verkostoitumaan sekä viihtymään! Ilmoittaudu nyt, paikkoja on rajoitetusti.


Vuoden 2017 seminaarista sanottua:

”Jälleen kerran aidosti IPR-alan huippuseminaari!”

”Hyvä verkostoitumistilaisuus!”

”Seminaari oli taas laadukas ja laajasta aihealueesta huolimatta jokaisen puhujan jutuissa oli oman työn kannalta mielenkiintoista sisältöä – aikamoinen saavutus, eli hienosti järjestetty seminaari.”

”Kiitos! Hyödyllinen ja herättävä aamupäivä.”


Kirsti Lonka
Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Helsinki

Kirsti Lonka

Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Helsinki

Kirsti Lonka is Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Helsinki, Finland (2005-). On growingmind.fi you may see all her projects and also people working with her. She is Director of Research Group of Educational Psychology. Kirsti is also Extraordinary Professor, Optentia Research Focus Area, North-West University, Vanderbiljpark, South Africa (2016-2019), and Advisory Board Member of the Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST 2015-).

Previously she has worked as professor of medical education at Karolinska Institutet (2001-2005) and UMCG, University of Groningen. Kirsti Lonka is a popular keynote speaker around the world in scientific, educational and business seminars. She has published more than 150 refereed articles, conference papers and book chapters.

She has also published plenty of text books and popular writings. Her specialties are human learning, motivation and emotion, especially among adults. At the moment, she is working on innovations in higher education and engaging learning environments (ELE). Her latest book is Lonka, K. (2018) Phenomenal learning from Finland (Edita).


Timo Honkela
Professor, Digital Humanities, Language Technology, University of Helsinki

Timo Honkela

Professor, Digital Humanities, Language Technology, University of Helsinki

Timo Honkela serves as a professor, research on digital resources, University of Helsinki 2014-2018. He is a member of the Centre for Digital Humanities HELDIG.

He received his PhD from the Helsinki University of Technology in 1998 and has served as the chair of the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society and a member of the board of the European Neural Networks Society.

Honkela has authored and coauthored close to 200 scientific publications related to natural language processing, neural networks, philosophy of AI, and various aspects of using AI within humanities and social sciences.

Saiful Khan
Partner and Board Member, Potter Clarkson

Saiful Khan

Partner and Board Member, Potter Clarkson

Saiful is a Partner at Potter Clarkson who practises in both the Electronics & Computing Group and the Design & Engineering Groups. He has both in-house and private practise experience and has been highlighted in the IAM 1000 World’s Leading Patent Professionals list, most recently in 2018 where he was recognised for being “technically very capable, quick to learn new technologies, and diligent, knowledgeable and thorough in every aspect of the patenting process.” It was also noted that “Communication with him is always easy, direct and open; as a result, clients can work closely with him to achieve the best results”.

Saiful holds a doctorate from the University of Cambridge (Materials Science) and an M.Eng degree from Imperial College, London (Mechanical Engineering). Saiful won industrial support for his undergraduate degree and spent some two years working on in an oil refinery for Mobil Oil Corporation during that time. He is also a Chartered Engineer.

Nick McDonald
Partner (IP Solicitor), Potter Clarkson

Nick McDonald

Partner (IP Solicitor), Potter Clarkson

Nick McDonald is an experienced IP solicitor, with expertise in both litigation and providing commercial advice to clients.

Nick advises across the whole range of IP rights including patents, trade marks, designs, confidential information (including privacy and industrial secrets), copyright and Geographical Indications of Origin. While he has advised in multiple sectoral areas, he has a particular interest in textiles, creative industries, bio-medical sciences, fashion and retail.

Nick achieved his masters degree at Cambridge University before going on to gain his graduate diploma in Law and his Legal Practice Course (LPC) at Nottingham Law School. He qualified as a solicitor in 2006 and then achieved a post graduate diploma in Intellectual Property Law & Practice at Bristol University.

Nick joined Potter Clarkson in May 2016, and is a founding member of the firm’s Dispute Resolution and Commercial (DRAC) team.

Juha Kokkonen
CEO, Canatu Oy

Juha Kokkonen

CEO, Canatu Oy

Juha Kokkonen joined Canatu in 2016 as the CEO. He has a deep understanding of mobile technologies due to his extensive experience in doing business with global consumer electronics companies. He has previously worked with Nokia, Nokia Networks and Microsoft holding a number of leadership roles such as General Manager of Windows Phones at Microsoft and Vice President, Lumia Product Management at Nokia.

Juha’s expertise is particularly strong in product, innovation and business management. He has a track record of bringing a number of innovations successfully to the consumer market.

Juha has a MSc in Technology, Engineering/Industrial Management, Computer Science from the University of Oulu.

Heidi Jaara
Toimitusjohtaja, Balmuir Oy

Heidi Jaara

Toimitusjohtaja, Balmuir Oy

KTM Heidi Jaara on toiminut yrittäjänä ja toimitusjohtajana 11 vuotta. Balmuir lifestyle -merkki tarjoaa ylellisiä sisustustuotteita ja asusteita maailman hienoimmista luonnonmateriaaleista.

Balmuir on kasvanut kovaa vauhtia ja tuotteita on viety jo yli 60 maahan. Asiakkaita ovat maailman hienoimmat tavaratalot ja ketjut. Balmuir osallistuu aktiivisesti ja näyttävästi maailman tärkeimmille muoti- ja sisustusmessuille Pariisissa ja Tokiossa.

Ennen yrittäjäksi ryhtymistä Jaara työskenteli lähes 10 vuotta Nokia Networksillä, keräten arvokasta kokemusta ostosta myyntiin ja matkustamalla maailmaa ristiin rastiin.


Markku Simmelvuo, toimitusjohtaja, Papula-Nevinpat
Tekoäly osaamisen, innovaatioiden ja rakentavan vuorovaikutuksen tukena
Professorit Kirsti Lonka ja Timo Honkela, Helsingin yliopisto
IPR:n merkitys yrityksen kehityskaaressa - Case Canatu: nanoputkista taipuviin näyttöihin
Juha Kokkonen, toimitusjohtaja, Canatu Oy
Certainty in an Uncertain World
Saiful Khan, Partner and Board Member, Potter Clarkson, UK
Nick McDonald, Partner (IP Solicitor), Potter Clarkson, UK
Case Balmuir: Kansainvälisen lifestylebrändin kasvutarina
Heidi Jaara, toimitusjohtaja, Balmuir Oy
Loppusanat & kiitokset
Tilaisuus päättyy

Tunnelmia tapahtumasta